Citi Advisors Managing $3 Billion Depart for Alpha Capital Family Office

July 22, 2024 • Kenneth Corbin

A pair of advisors who oversaw more than $3 billion in client assets at Citi Private Bank has left to join Alpha Capital Family Office, a registered investment advisor in Denver serving high- and ultrahigh-net-worth individuals and families.

It is Alpha’s largest recruiting win in its history, says Founding Partner Doug Campbell.

The advisors, Alexandra Boyles and Will Coughlin, say they had grown tired of the constraints of the private-banking sector where products were generally limited to what their employer offered and the service model wasn’t equipped to meet the whole of a wealthy client’s needs.

“We were so used to, in the big banking world, of leading with investments and banking but really feeling like we didn’t have the resources in all of the other areas of clients’ lives, whether that be trust and estate planning, healthcare advising, helping them manage all the risks in their lives with property and casualty insurance,” Coughlin says. “What attracted us to Doug and the Alpha team is that these were their core competencies, so they weren’t extra-credit resources as they were viewed in the private-banking world.”

Citi declined to comment on the team’s departure.


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